

  • 工业控制自动化

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    "Thasa bidirectional shift registers are designed to incorporate virtually all of the features a system designer may want ina shift register. TM circuit contain* 46 equivalent gates and features paraMI inputs, parallel outputs, right-shift and left-shift serial inputs, operMino-mode-control inputs, and a direct overriding clear line. The rtgister has four distinct modes of operation, namely: Inhibit clock (do nothing) Shift right (in the direction Q-a toward Q-d) Shift left On the direction Q-q toward Q-a) Parallol (broadside) load Synchronoua parallel loading Is accomplished by applying the four bits of data and taking both mode control inputs, SO and SI, high. The 4ata are loaded into the associated fnp*flops and appear at the outputs after ttw positivn transition of the dock input. During loading, sorial data flow is inhibited. Shift right is accomplished synchronouBly with the rising edge of th® dock pulse when SO is high and S1 Is low. Serial data for this modB is entered at


  •   Parallel Inputs and Outputs

  •   Four Operating Modes

  •   Synchronous Parallel Load

  •   Right Shift

  •   Left Shift

  •   Do Nothing

  •   Positive Edge-Triggered Clocking

  •   Direct Overriding Clear


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XD74LS194 DIP16 0℃~+70℃ 1,000Pcs/Tube 在线申请